Tag Archives: shade

Impatiens – Downy Mildew Update

Back in October we wrote a little blurb about Downy Mildew. Back then, we knew it was going to be a problem but didn’t really think too much of it. Now that spring is quickly approaching, we are realizing more and more the magnitude of this Impatien-killing disease.

We have been receiving letters from all of our growers warning us to stay away from Impatiens and to plant alternatives. Basically, the collective thought on Impatiens is:

“If you plant them, they will die.”

People are already planting Impatiens in the South and the crops are already failing.

There will be some Impatiens available this year, but we highly suggest finding a new alternative to this shade loving annual. And just in case you were wondering…
New Guinea Impatiens and “Sunpatiens” are not infected!!

We will have flyers and information available at every register throughout the spring season to help keep everyone informed, which includes a list of shade/part shade annuals that we suggest you plant instead of the “problem child.”

Please feel free to email or call us for more information about this disease and how we plan on approaching the situation.

Here is a preview of our flyer, for more info:

downy mildew

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Filed under Disease, Spring, Summer